The Busiest Travel Days of the Year
The TSA estimates 25-million people will take to the skies this weekend.
This is the first major holiday since the new checked baggage restrictions were put in place in August.
And according to the Air Transport Association, airlines are filling a record number of seats.
That means longer security lines, and more people on flights means more luggage for airlines to keep track of.
And Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, wasn't the busiest this week. Sunday is and so is Monday, with everyone coming home.
But you might not know it when you hear from the people we talked to.
When it comes to traveling, Sierra Campbell knows what she's doing.
"For the fall, I go home in August, Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break, Easter, and then the summer. My next trip is Japan, in the summer. That's my next farthest trip," said Sierra.
Usually the only thing Sierra really worries about is getting to the gate on time.
"Please come an hour ahead of your flight because you'll get left. Like you can't check in after an hour. And try to buy your tickets as early as possible because then you'll get the best seat. You don't want to sit all the way in the back close to the toilet," said Sierra.
While Sierra needs only to consider herself, there's 6 people in Michelle Albright's family.
She says she had a feeling they'd run into a few glitches this time.
"Every body says it's the busiest travel week of the year. So we thought we'd have to wait and it'd be longer," said Michelle.
But it turned out to be a very smooth trip.
They went to New York City for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The hardest thing about their trip was fighting the rain.
"Staying dry on Thursday," said Michelle.
And in a week many of us overeat and feel a little black and blue over Black Friday, it turned out well for both savvy travelers.
"We went, we came back, it was no hassle, no thought," said Michelle.
Some things to think about if you're traveling for Christmas.
If you come bearing gifts, don't wrap them. They could get examined by security.
By Kristin Smith
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